Friday, April 10, 2009

BRUNNERA macrophylla

Friday, April 10, 2009

One of my favorite shade perennials is starting to bloom in my garden this past week. Brunnera macrophylla, or, Siberian Bugloss. Tiny little blue blooms on long stems bouncing in the breeze. They kind of look like forget-me-nots. My shade garden is just full of them as they spread like wildfire once they are established. I have a couple of varieties, like Jack Frost which has variegated leaves. The leaves are heart shaped. I am always digging them up in the Spring to donate to our garden club's plant sale.

This beautiful perennial grows in a low mound. As the plant grows, the leaves get larger, up to 4 inches. The plant will stay freshlike in your garden until frost.

It thrives in light shade and needs fairly good, organically amended soil and ordinary garden watering.

Try some in your shade gardens, you won't be disappointed. I hope they become a favorite of yours also.


  1. I'm going outside to search for green. I know there is nothing out there, but maybe .. . just maybe. Stupid ND! Ha.


  2. I'm always looking for shade perennials so I'll add this one to my list!

