Thursday, April 30, 2009

Party/Snack Mix

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today, I would like to share with you a receipe I received from a friend at work. It is the most scrumptious snack mix I have ever made. Thought I would share it with my blog readers.

1 12 ounce Salted Peanuts, Spanish Peanuts or Cashews
1 12 ounce Bag of M & M's Plain
3 cups Miniature Pretzels
3 cups Rice Cheks Cereal
Raisins (any amount to your liking)
2 12 ounce Bags White Chocolate Chips or
1 20 ounce Bag of White Chocolate Chips

Line a rimmed jelly roll baking pan with wax paper.

In a double boiler, melt the white chocolate chips.

Mix together first five ingredients and spread in the jelly roll pan. Pour melted white chocholate chips over the mixture.

Cool in the refrigerator then crunch it up.

Now its ready to enjoy!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shade Gardens are Filling in at Last

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My shade gardens are finally up and filling in. This morning I cultivated about 80 lbs. of composted manure into my back garden. The side garden just needs some new black mulch this year. I have a couple of new plants in my garden as of a week ago. One of them is a blue flowering corydallis. It is in the bleeding heart family or decentra. The other is a Decentra "Ivory Heart" which displays graceful ivory white hearts above delicate, ferny blue foliage. It flowers from May to September and appreciates part-sun to shade. It is cold tolerant to -40 degrees F and is fragrant, too! It grows 12" tall by 12" wide and is deer resistant. It is a border plant because of its size. I have a picture of it today.

Am posting a few pics of my side shade garden and how it is filling in. The bleeding hearts of which I have about 6 different varieties are in bloom now and are spectacular. Along with the blue blooming brunerra of which there are many of in my side garden, striped pink lilies of the valley that are spreading through the garden along with the common variety, epidemiums (yellow, violet and pink), ferns, hostas, and oh so many other plants too numerous to mention, the garden is looking at its best in Spring.

The third picture is of my St. Francis Garden Statue. He is the patron Saint of Birds and Animals. He makes me happy when I see him residing in my garden. My maidenhair fern is directly in front of him.

The last picture is an overview of my garden as seen from the arch leading into the garden.

I did have a suprise today at my hummingbird feeders in the back garden. I just purchased and installed a larger feeder which is glass. I hung it from the post that my dragonfly weathervane is attached to. The most beautiful finch like bird alit on the feeder and proceeded to sip the nector. I looked it up in my Audabon birding guide and found it to be an orchard oriole. He was about 7 inches long, orange with black markings. Just beautiful. I have never had one in my backyard before. What a treat!

Until next time.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

BRUNNERA macrophylla

Friday, April 10, 2009

One of my favorite shade perennials is starting to bloom in my garden this past week. Brunnera macrophylla, or, Siberian Bugloss. Tiny little blue blooms on long stems bouncing in the breeze. They kind of look like forget-me-nots. My shade garden is just full of them as they spread like wildfire once they are established. I have a couple of varieties, like Jack Frost which has variegated leaves. The leaves are heart shaped. I am always digging them up in the Spring to donate to our garden club's plant sale.

This beautiful perennial grows in a low mound. As the plant grows, the leaves get larger, up to 4 inches. The plant will stay freshlike in your garden until frost.

It thrives in light shade and needs fairly good, organically amended soil and ordinary garden watering.

Try some in your shade gardens, you won't be disappointed. I hope they become a favorite of yours also.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pansy Time-Springtime!

Sunday, April 5, 1009

What a beautiful Palm Sunday this turned out to be in Northeast Ohio. I came back from a couple of errands this afternoon and decided to plant my hayrack and matching wall planter with the pansies that I purchased from the garden shop last week. I always plant with pansies just before Easter. The pansies match my twin door wreaths of forsythia and lilac. The colors of the pansies blend in pretty well with them.

First my husband and I take the large hayrack off the porch and walk it around the back of the house and dump the old soil into a compost pile we have for debris. I always keep a coconut liner inside the rack. They usually last three years if I am careful with it. I then fill it with new Miracle Grow Soil and depot the pansies and lay them out in a pattern before I plant them. I sweep the porch and tidy up before I water the racks. That is so the soil that is on the porch does not turn to mud.

Just thought you might enjoy viewing a picture of the finished product. As the weeks go by, the planter will fill in and last until beginning of July. The pansies will bolt in the summer heat. Then, I simply purchase different plants for shade and refil the planter. I try something different each year. Hope you enjoy the picture. Hoping everyone has a great day with lots of sunshine!

Garden Gate Designs