My side shade garden is growing so fast with all the rain we had in April and now continuing into May. All the plants that I moved from my back garden (the ones the garden club did not dig out because they were not up yet) are thriving.
I found three jack-in-the-pulpits, a handfull of trillium, assorted bits of hosta, a palm fern, solomon's seal and ginger. Also, a small epidemium blooming in white with purple center. It was so exciting to see that I had a few of my special plants to include in the side garden. I was even able to salvage a piece of my Mom's Memory Hosta "Striptease" and included the beautiful stone with appropriate saying with it in the garden.
The picture of the bushy plant with the yellow flowers is a yellow bleeding heart called Corydallis. It reseeds easily and I have several in my garden, now. Such a cheery little plant.
My three bird baths are now situated in the garden, and the hummingbird feeder has a new home in that side shade garden on a shepard's hook. I am hoping that the honeysuckle blooms on the arbor in front will attract them back and that they will find their feeder. I can see it from my kitchen window now.
My litttle "Red Dragon" Japaneese Maple tree is now 3 years old. It has grown every year and never ceases to amaze me. This year, it is bushing out. I purchased it at Marc's Discount Store in our town for only $20.00. A rare find, indeed! I took a chance, and so far, so good. Perfect location for it, I suppose. I would love to purchase another one of another species to replace the Female Holly Bush that I lost in that garden up by the decks this past winter. Just hate to pay over $100.00 for it. I will have to start looking around for a bargain.
I hope my blog followers enjoyed pics from the garden. Our deck plans and estimate finally came back and we are ready to order. Cannot wait. I want to enjoy the Summer outdoors on that newly extended decking with its new furniture.
Garden Gate Designs